A Classical Idyll by Hans Zatzka


オーストリアの画家による古典的な牧歌 ハンス・ザツカ (1859 – 1945); Pとしても知られています. ロンサール, ピエール・ド・ロンサール, またはH. Zabateriと彼はJosephBernardとして彼の作品の多くに署名しました, J. バーナード, あるいはバーナード・ザツカが販売できる作品数を制限する契約を破るというペナルティを回避するためだ。.

This is a beautiful floral painting contain two attractive young ladies and a putto in what may be a very large garden, that are standing by a very large decorative hand painted planter with a large bouquet of flowers and plants and a large white tree with white flowers and addition beautiful red, yellow and green flowers; while just in front of and to the side of the planter is a very large fountain with water overflowing its sides that is slightly covered by a large heavy light blue drape.

One young lady with black hair and red flowers in it, is dressed in a gold dress with a sheer red shawl over the upper portion of her right arm; carrying a bunch of red flowers with a long off red ribbon under her left arm that as a silver arm band on it.

On her right forearm is a three ring gold bracelet, and in her right hand she is holding a white flower with a yellow center that she is handing over to the other young lady that has golden brown hair.

This young lady is adorned with a large gold ringed earring and violet-blue flowers in her hair that is partially covered in a sheer linen light green veil, that compliments the color of her white and green dress and green gold embroidered shawl that she is holding in her right and as it goes around the back of her waist and is held by her left hand.

In her right forearm is a wide gold bracelet and on her left forearm is another bracelet composed of three gold rings that compliment the look of her gold earring and gold necklace the drapes down to the middle of her chest.

Around her waist is a wreath of white and pink roses, as three pigeons, one that is white, one that is white and grey and one that is grey fly towards her with more flowers to bestow upon her.

There are even colorful butterflies that are flying about her to adorn her as well; with the putto flying up behind her fixes her hair as he adds additional flowers to it.

The rest of the image is decorated with a light blue sky, red plants, large tan grasses, white flowers and a river with more trees on the opposite bank; and a possible white column behind the planter.

A Classical Idyll is a remastered digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that is available as a canvas, アクリル, 金属と木材 アートプリントオンライン.

以下の情報から派生 Wikipedia.org

ハンス・ザツカは時々Pとして知られています. ロンサール, ピエール・ド・ロンサール, またはH. バッテリー, ジョセフ・バーナードとして彼の作品の多くに署名しました, J. バーナード, またはBernardZatzka.



ハンス・ザツカは 8 行進 1859 ウィーンで. 彼の父バルトロマウスは建設労働者でした, 彼の母親はマリー・カルピシェク・ザツカでした.

間 1877 そして 1882, 彼は芸術アカデミーで学びました, クリスチャン・グリーペンケルの下で, カール・ウルツィンガー, とカールフォンブラース.


に 1885, Zatzkaは、KurhausBadenで天井フレスコ画TheNaiadofBadenの作成を依頼されました.


しかしながら, 彼は女性の絵でもっと知られています, 妖精, と他の幻想的なシーン.

頻繁, 彼はリヒャルト・ワーグナーの作品とグリム兄弟のおとぎ話からインスピレーションを得ました.

19世紀後半から20世紀初頭に, Zatzkaによるいくつかの作品が写真に撮られ、商業的で収集可能なポストカードになりました.

1920年代, Zatzkaのスタイルは、ヨーロッパ全体で選ばれる装飾になりました. 加えて, 過去30年間はZatzkaの復活を開催しました.

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