Bent On Pleasing You by Enoch Bolles
Bent On Pleasing You by Enoch Bolles

Bent On Pleasing You

Bent On Pleasing You! by American Painter Еноцх Боллес (1883 – 1976); known as a glamour style pin-up art illustrator.

This sexy pin up girl illustration features a beautiful black haired brunette kneeling on the floor with her back arched backwards and with her right hand touching the back of her head.

She is dressed in a golden yellow dancers suit holding a tambourine in her backward outstretched left hand; with the words Bent On Pleasing You to her right.

Ово је ретуширана дигитална уметност, репродукција слике у јавном власништву старих мајстора.

Информације испод изведене из Википедиа.орг

Еноцх је рођен од стране хемичара парфема Еноцха Боллеса, Јр и Цатхерине Кееп у округу Марион, Флорида у марту 3, 1883.

Студирао је на Националној академији за дизајн у Њујорку (је. 1825), и објавио своју прву илустрацију на насловницама хумористичких часописа; Судија и Пак 1914; постао је најпознатији по илустровању пулп магазина Филм Фун.

Затим у 1923 постао је ексклузивни уметник насловнице за Филм Магазине и остаће на тој позицији до 1943, when the magazine became a victim of the then Postmaster General’s campaign against salacious material.

During Enoch’s time with Film Fun Magazine he created 200 комади покривају уметност, and at least 300 additional covers for other spicy pulp magazines, including Breezy Stories, Pep and New York Nights.

Enoch’s monthly lineup of the All-American Beauty precisely posed in imaginative costume is responsible for defining the art of American Pin Up Illustration. He was also a versatile illustrator that created advertising art for many products of the time such as Sun-Maid Raisins and Zippo Lighters.

At the age of 60, ин 1943 Enoch had to end is professional career due to psychological problems, and was confined him to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital in New Jersey for most of the rest of his life; but he continued to paint commissioned portraits and for personal enjoyment.

He was eventually released from the Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital in 1969 and he passed away seven years later of heart failure at the age of 93.

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