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Carole Lombard Art Nouveau Portrait by Charles Gates Sheldon
صورة كارول لومبارد على طراز الفن الحديث لتشارلز جيتس شيلدون

Carole Lombard Portrait by American Painter Charles Gates Sheldon (1889 – 1961); a prolific Illustrator of the early 1900’s specializing in Hollywood celebrity portraits and fashion in the Art Nouveau and Edwardian style.

Sheldon after finishing his studies at the Art Students League, traveled to Paris to study under the Art Nouveau Master – ألفونس موتشا.

This is a head shot portrait in a classic look of the 1930’s wearing a black cap hat with a hairnet accent which accentuates her golden hair and captivating blue/green eyes.

هذه نسخة معدلة من الفن الرقمي القديم لصورة المجال العام.


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