Gretchen In front of Statue Of Saint Mary by Adam Vogler
غريتشن أمام تمثال القديسة مريم لآدم فوجلر

Gretchen vor der Statue der Heiligen Maria (غريتشن أمام تمثال القديسة مريم) عام 1850 للرسام النمساوي آدم فوجلر (1822 – 1856) رسام رومانسي من أكاديمية فيينا.

A beautifully painted image of of a partially kneeling young lady in front of a statue of Saint Mary that seems to be situated on what may be an alter piece with a vase of flowers just off to the left, and with a larger vase filled with flowers on a perimeter stone on the floor.

The light from a window illuminates her and the alter piece and we can see more arched windows where light is streaming into the building.

هذه نسخة معدلة من الفن الرقمي القديم لصورة المجال العام.

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