Herald The Light Fractal Art by Xzendor7
Herald The Light Fractal Art by Xzendor7

Herald The Light Fractal Art

Herald The Light is an abstract fractal compilation of previous fractal art composition and a kaleidoscope of a another fractal compilation.

The image is composed of three main blue white orbs and an architectural structure that is formed of gates in the background with supporting stone cut columns; with lighted sconce on both ends.

In the center is a multi-arch structure; that at its center has fractal winged like center piece with a footer bridge and behind it a reflective mirrored disk.

Below the arch is a large light blue to white orb, which is the largest of the set; that is inlaid into a wing like stone structure; this transitions down to the other orbs that are emitting lightning bolts at the sides.

These two orbs are wrapped in 4 layers of wings, which sit on a stone slab base, that encloses ice cloud and on either end of the structure are two ornamental winged coral statues.

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