Le Réveil by Aimée Brune-Pagès
Le Réveil by Aimée Brune-Pagès

Le Réveil

Le Réveil (Awakening) c1830-31 by French Painter Aimée Brune-Pagès (1803 – 1866); salah seorang pelukis wanita Perancis yang paling dihormati.

This is a beautiful portrait of an attractive young lady in her bed awakening to the morning light, in a white lace pajama, red hair ribbon, and lace hair net holding an open book in her right hand and resting the left side of her face on her left hand.

She is propped up against the headboard of her bed by a very, very large white pillow and has a white sheet across her legs as well as multi-colored bedspread around her back and over her right arm.

Toward the front of the scene and over her legs is a large embroidered emerald green bed curtain that frames ones view onto the young lady.

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Maklumat Di Bawah Diperolehi Dari Wikipedia.org

Aimée Brune-Pagès was a student of French Historical Painter Charles Meynier (1763 atau 68 – 1832) peristiwa akhir abad ke-18 dan awal abad ke-19.

Selama waktunya dia berada di bawah pemerintahan beberapa rezim politik, yang merangkumi Pemulihan, Monarki Julai, Republik Kedua dan Empayar Kedua.

Dia dianggap sebagai salah seorang pelukis wanita Perancis yang paling dihormati, dan dia kerap mengadakan pameran di Salon dari 1822 ke 1853; kadang-kadang bekerjasama dengan suaminya French Landscape Painter Christian Brune (1793 – 1849).

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