Le Reveil c1765 by Pierre Charles Levesque
Le Reveil c1765 by Pierre Charles Levesque

Le Reveil

Le Reveil c1765, frantsuz o'ymakor Per Charlz Levesque tomonidan (1736 – 1812); after a painting by French Painter François Boucher (1703 – 1770)

Le Reveil is an engraving done by Pierre Charles Levesque that is most likely based on one of three paintings created by Rococo style French painter François Boucher, who was a very popular 18th century painter known for his idyllic and voluptuous paintings on classical themes, decorative allegories, and pastoral scene; these are The Brunette Odalisque c1745, Odalisque c1749, or Portrait of Marie-Louis O’Murphy (Nude on a Sofa) c1752.

It is a nude portrait of a young lady laying chest down on a lush padded bed with many pillows and linens, with a small bedside table on which several items are placed, including a vase, an open jewelry box with ribbons and string pearls that are in and around the jewelry box.

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