
Looking For Trouble by Gil Elvgren Pinup Art Print
Looking For Trouble by Gil Elvgren Pinup Art Print

Looking For Trouble

Looking For Trouble by American Painter 吉尔·埃尔夫格伦 (1914 – 1980); painter, illustrator and pin-up girl artist.

When things go bump in the night what is a young girl to do; grab a six shooter and take care of business.

In this pinup girl illustration we see a young blonde lady in her white night gown and pink slippers, that has just climbed down the stairs from her bedroom, holding a cocked revolver in her left hand at some distance from her face.

While in her right hand, she is carrying a candle holder with a lighted candle and a glass enclosure, and on the floor is a broken flower vase along with the flowers that have fallen out of it.

As she wonders whom may be in her house, we can see that it’s her white cat pet, that is at the center of the disturbance; as it is perched on the pedestal on which the vase of flowers had previously stood.

係對公共領域圖像嘅製作嘅數字藝術舊大師複製品番,可作為 畫布打印在線.

來自以下信息 Wikipedia.org

Gillette A. 埃尔夫格伦出生於聖. 保羅, 明尼蘇達州, 並就讀於大學高中. 畢業後, 佢開始喺明尼阿波利斯藝術學院學習藝術.

後尾佢搬到芝加哥,喺美國藝術學院學習。, 並喺大蕭條時期畢業於學院, 二十二歲.

畢業之後,Elvgren加入咗Stevens同Gross嘅藝術家马囡, Chicago’s most prestigious advertising agency, 並成為藝術家Haddon Sundblom嘅門生.

係 1937, 吉尔開始為路易斯F繪製日曆針腳. 道瓊斯指數, one of America’s leading publishing companies, 在此期間,佢創造咗關於 60 針腳女仔喺22英寸×28英寸帆布上工作,並透過印刷簽名嚟區分它們.

佢嘅好多針腳喺第二次世界大戰期間被複製為軍用飛機上嘅鼻子藝術; 大約喺呢個時候 1944, Elvgren被Brown and Bigelow出版公司聯繫; 一家喺生產日曆方面仍然佔據主導地位嘅公司, 廣告特產和促銷商品.

第二年從 1945 直到 1972, 埃尔夫格伦與布朗有關 & 毕格罗出版公司, 並開始合作 24 英寸 30 英寸畫布, 佢將用于下一個嘅格式 30 年, 並喺佢嘅作品中簽名為草書.

埃尔夫格伦喺商業上取得了成功. 佢住喺不同嘅地方, 由1930年代到1970年代一直活躍. 係 1951 佢開始喺屋企中嘅工作室度畫畫。, 然後在温内特卡, 伊利諾伊州, 使用助手設置照明, 構建道具同場景, 照片集, 並準備他的顏料.

佢嘅客戶包括Brown同Bigelow等知名公司。, 可口可樂, 通用電氣同絲漣床褥公司, 僅舉幾例. 另外, 在1940年代同1950年代,佢為好多雜誌繪製咗故仔插圖, 如《周六晚郵報》和《良好的家政服務》.

Among the models and Hollywood legends Elvgren painted during his career included Myrna Hansen, 唐娜·里德, 芭芭拉·黑尔, 阿琳·达尔, 洛拉·奥尔布赖特同金·诺瓦克.



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