Need To Find Actual Work by Bernard-Romain Julien
Bernard-Romain Julienin todellista työtä on löydettävä

Need To Find Actual Work

Need To Find Actual Work (Opiskele kahdella kynällä) Ranskalainen taidemaalari Bernard-Romain Julien (1802 – 1871); joka oli myös taidegraafikko, litografi ja piirtäjä.

This is a beautiful lithographic klassista taidetta portrait of a young woman in deep thought that is resting her head on her right hand that is bent upwards.

She is wearing a white gown and a veil covers the majority of her hair that flows behind her head and over her right shoulder.

Tämä on remasteroitu digitaalisen taiteen vanhojen mestareiden kopio julkisessa käytössä olevasta kuvasta, joka on saatavilla a kanvastulostus verkossa.

Alla olevat tiedot ovat peräisin

Bernard-Romain Julien was born in Bayonne, France on November 16, 1802 and when he was about 13 years began his artistic training; learning how to draw.

Kun hän oli 20 years old he went to Paris to study painting under the instruction of the French Historical Painter Antoine-Jean Gros (1771 – 1835), at the École des Beaux-Arts.

From time to time between 1833 että 1850 he would exhibit some of his drawings and paintings, but he would most exhibit his lithographs for which he was well known.

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