Portrait of Elisabeth of Bavaria by Franz Schrotzberg
Portret Elżbiety Bawarskiej – Franz Schrotzberg

Portret Elżbiety Bawarskiej

Portret Elżbiety Bawarskiej, Cesarzowa Austrii (1837 – 1898) c1853 przez austriackiego malarza Franza Schrotzberga (1811 – 1889); austriacki portrecista XIX wieku.

To uderzające i piękny portret of Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich (1837 – 1898), Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary by marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph I at the age of 16 lat.

The Portrait shows Elisabeth standing on a balcony that overlooks a vast terrain of mountain ranges, a lake and tree cover land.

The balcony has a large column that is covered with a vine behind her to her right; and at her left front are flowers that are mixed in with the marble balusters.

Elisabeth has her brown hair tied back and is wearing red lip rouge, that complements the soft pink color applied to her cheeks.

She is wearing a beautiful white lace off shoulder deep v-neck gown, that has a gold brooch with diamonds on it, with a matching gold and diamond bracelet on her right wrist with her hand resting on the railing of the balcony; while in her left and are a pair of white gloves.

The scene is made complete with an evening blue sky and large white clouds that have accents of blue, różowy, Pomarańczowy, fioletowy, green and grey; that transition nicely with the mountain range and setting sun.

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Franz was a successful portrait painter (though he did not start out as one) of the mid 19th century, who started his artistic studies at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in Austria from 1825 do 1831; i będąc tam, was given a scholarship and was awarded three prizes for his artistic accomplishments.

Kiedy był 19 years of age he became friends with the Slovakian landscape painter Károly Markó the Elder (1791 – 1860), who had a major influence over Franz’s artistic style. i w 1832 would make his first exhibitions with a series of portraits and mythological scenes.

W 1837 he took an extended trip to Italy to study; and after five years there, went on to Belgium in 1842; i w 1843 became a member of the Academy of Fine Arts and would also visit Paris and London.

By the time he was 39 years of age Franz had become one of the most sought after female portrait painters in Vienna Austria; and was also a painter of the nobility, as well as a teacher who gave instruction at the academy.

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