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Portrait of Susannah Hope by Joseph Wright Classical Art Prints
Portrait of Susannah Hope by Joseph Wright Classical Art Prints

Portrait of Susannah Hope

Portrait of Susannah Hope (1744 – 1807) c1761 by British Painter Joseph Wright (1734 – 1797); an acclaimed landscape and portrait painter credited as the first professional painter to express the spirit of the Industrial Revolution.

Ko ha tāvalivalí of a young lady known as Susannah Hope posed in the typical dress of the time worn by the landed gentry.

She is wearing a pearl linked piece of body jewelry that has on the end of it a miniature portrait of her new husband the Reverend Charles Hope.

Her blue satin dress is composed of three parts staring with a center corset, an attached large skirt that has an additional garment over it; while the corset portion has attached to orange sleeves with additional sheer over sleeves and a half brimmed grey hat with a feather on it and a pearl hanging of the edge of the short brim.

She is leaning against a tall pedestal that has a large covered urn; and behind that a collection of large trees and a cloud filled blue sky at sunset.

Ko ha remastered fakaʻilekitulonika ʻeni ʻo ha kau pule fakaʻilekitulonika motuʻa ʻo ha ʻimisi ʻo ha kakai ʻoku lava ke maʻu ko ha paaki ʻo e fakatataa ʻi he ʻInitaneti.

About The Artist

Joseph Wright of Derby was an 18th century British painter who specialized in creating portraits and landscape scenes; and was recognized as the first professional painter that expressed the spirit of the Industrial Revolution.

He was born in Irongate, Derby to a respectable family of lawyers as the third of five children to John Wright (1697 – 1767) and Hannah Brookes (1700 – 1764); and decided to become a painter at the age of seventeen in 1751, and studied under the British Painter Thomas Hudson (1701 – 1779) for two years.

His work is characterized by a striking use of light and shadow, as well as a keen attention to detail; and some of his most famous works includeAn Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pumpc1768 andThe Old Water-Millc1771-72, with both of these paintings being considered to be masterpieces of theIndustrial Revolution” toe, depicting the technological advancements of the time.


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