Red Scarf by Peter Driben Pinup Art Print
Red Scarf by Peter Driben Pinup Art Print

Red Scarf

Red Scarf by American Painter Pere Driben (1903 – 1968); Hi ha certa confusió sobre la identitat de quatre paisatgistes anomenats Beerstraaten, illustrator and one of the most prolific pin-up artist of the 1940s and 1950s.

A beautiful redhead is wearing a very skimpy figure hugging showgirl one piece cutout black leather outfit with a large leather bow on the left side, along with black high heel leather shoes; and a striped red scarf that she is holding with both hands, around the back of her neck and draped over both left and right upper arms, while sitting on the edge of a coffee table.

I decided to accent the background with one of my fractal art compositions calledAngel Wings Snowflake”, to add some interest to the plain white background.

This is a remastered digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that is available for purchase online as a impressió de tela enrotllada.

Informació a continuació de

Peter Driben va néixer a Boston, i va estudiar a la Vesper George Art School abans de traslladar-se a París a 1925. Mentre feia classes a la Sorbona, França 1925, va començar una sèrie de dibuixos a ploma i tinta molt populars de les noies de la ciutat.

Al març de 1934 Driben created his first known pin-up which was the cover to La Paree Stories; i per 1935, he was producing covers for Snappy, Pep, New York Nights, French Night Life and Caprice.

As Driben’s popularity continued to rise in the late thirties he created more covers for other periodicals including Silk Stocking Stories, Movie Merry-Go-Round and Real Screen Fun.

Driben’s career expanded into advertising when he moved to New York in late 1936. Aquí va crear vitrines tridimensionals originals per a Philco Radios, Tovalloles de bany Cannon, i la Weber Baking Company.

Potser la seva obra més famosa són els pòsters originals i les obres publicitàries de The Maltese Falcon. Peter Driben també era un amic íntim de l'editor Robert Harrison, i dins 1941 se li va contractar la producció de portades per a la nova revista Beauty Parade de Harrison.

A partir d’aquí, Peter va passar a pintar centenars de portades per a aquella publicació i per als altres set títols que Harrison havia de llançar – Coquetejar, Whisper, Titter, Wink, Eyeful, Giggles, and Joker.

Driben would often have as many as six or seven of his covers being published every month. Driben’s work for Harrison established him as one of America’s most recognized and successful pin-up and glamour artists. Just before he began to work for Harrison, Driben married the artist, actress and poet, Louise Kirby.

En 1944 he was offered the unusual opportunity, for a pin-up artist; that was to become the art director of the New York Sun, a post he retained until 1946. During the war, his popular painting of American soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima sparked a considerable amount of media attention.

En 1956, Driben and Louise moved to Miami Beach, where he spent his retirement years painting portraits (including one of Dwight D. Eisenhower) and other fine-art works, which were organized into successful exhibitions by his wife. Driben died in 1968, Louise in 1984.

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