Signet Orb Fantasy Fractal Art Composition
Signet Orb is a fantasy spacescape fractal art composition with a mystic feel and look to it at its core is a multi-layer fractal orb that has a multi-layer fractal golden starburst at its center with an additional fiery fractal that acts as a corona around the orb.
The signet orb cluster sits in front off a double flipped layer curved fractal element, who’s color has been shifted to blend in with the orb; and to accentuate the lighter areas to give the illusion that there are point sources light being emitted from the curved sides and bottom.
This entire piece then rest on a stacked fractal element creating a pedestal like structure for the fractal elements above it.
To both the right and left sides of this structure I have add a lightning fractals that embrace the structure starting at the bottom and then flowing into the air past the orb.
There are also additional fractals on either side that form wings and horned like structures that behind the fractal structure.
Between these are two fractals placed side by side that form a curtain of blue light, with a bright light blue at the center that is aligned with the starburst.
On the left and right of the piece I use the same fractal again but this time the color is red and they are used to form a column.
Toward the bottom of the structure on either side are blue-white cloud fractals to match the center blue column fractal; and there are additional nebula star fractals in the background to create a spacescape type look.
Since every structure has a platform, I used multiple fractal that include boulder looking fractals; as well as cloud fractals to form what looks like a large rock that has been carved out at the center.
In this center section I then added a orb chain fractal, so that it looks like there is advanced machinery powering the fractal structure above.
The main structure of this fractal composition consist of 52 fractal objects; while the parts comprise an additional 36 fractal objects.
The tools used in the creation of fantasy fractal piece included the Fractron 9000, fractal generator, and the Photo Elements 7 image editor to assemble all the fractal objects into a working fantasy scene.