The Gleaner by Joseph Désiré Court
The Gleaner by Joseph Désiré Court

The Gleaner

The Gleaner c1841 by French Painter Joseph Désiré Court (1797 – 1865); a painter of historical subject matter and portraits.

This is a portrait of a beautiful young lady doing the job of a gleaner, which means that after the harvest is collected, her job is to collect the grains and produce that were left behind, so that nothing is left on the ground to spoil.

The young lady is in a seated position, and she is dressed in typical peasant girl attire of the time, carrying a large foldable cloth basket that is tied to her waist and filled with wheat, wild flowers and grasses.

Wrapped around her left arm is a bundle of what looks like ripe deep red cherries; and she is standing by a very large tree that seems to be within a forest settings; with plants that a situated to her right in the background.

The young lady is wearing on top of her beautiful raven hair, a white maids cap with ruffle trimming along the top edge that leads off to ruffled chin straps on the sides; a wooden cross that is connected with a string necklace over her chest; a white off shoulder blouse and a white shawl with red stripes in a hash pattern that is wrapped around her left arm and around her back; a red corset that ties at the front; and a sky blue ankle length skirt.

This is a remastered digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that is available as an acrylic, metal, rolled, framed, impresión de lona en liña.

Abaixo información cortesía Galería Matthiesen

Pénsase que o retrato, referido no 1838 Catálogo de salón como Retrato da señorita W, quizais sexa da filla do criado de confianza de Louis-Philippe, George White. Houbo unha "Mademoiselle White" en servizo durante a década de 1830 como camareira de Adélaïde d'Orléans, A irmá de Louis Philippe e non sería raro que o fillo dun criado de confianza obtivese emprego na casa doutro membro da familia real.

O propio George White fora orixinalmente empregado polo irmán do rei, o duque de Montpensier, e tras a súa morte en 1807 foi asumido por Louis-Philippe. Crese que George While entrou ao servizo da familia real durante o seu primeiro exilio en Inglaterra, dende 1800-1815, e pasou a ser o máis próximo dos servidores persoais. Xurxo tiña cuartos tanto no castelo de Randan como no Trianon de Versalles e foi concedido un subsidio de 3000 francos durante o segundo exilio de Louis-Philippe, 1848-1850.

Tamén se sabe que George tiña un ollo para a arte, comprando obras en nome de Louis-Philippe en varias ocasións. Aínda que este retrato pode parecer grandioso para un criado, quizais mostra tanto a estima coa que se tiña a familia dentro da Casa Real como as conexións de George dentro da fraternidade artística.. Non estamos seguros de se era coñecido persoalmente pola Corte, con todo, a actividade prolongada da Corte en Versalles durante a monarquía de xullo debeu que os dous se coñecesen..

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