Bath Time by Virgilio Tojetti
Bath Time by Virgilio Tojetti

Bath Time

Bath time c1897 by Italian Painter Virgilio Tojetti (1851 – 1901); known for his genre and fresco paintings.

This a beautiful genre portrait painting of a young Italian woman of the Classical Roman period, disrobing at a pool as she prepares to take a bath.

In the scene she has removed her red robe which is laying on the ground, partially around her legs feet that still have her leather laced sandals on them.

She is in the act of removing her white undergarment that she has pulled up to her chin and is pulling over her shoulders revealing her nude body.

The pool that she is going to take a bath in is comprised of square white marble platform on which large marble blocks have been placed toward the back; on top of which are two large marble columns.

The pool is being filled with water by a fountain sculpted decorative fountain head with a mythological face on it as water pours out of it’s mouth; and behind the fountain are large trees and a blue sky to her left.

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Virgilio was born on March 15, 1849 to the Italian-American Painter Domenico Tojetti (1807 – 1892), and received his initial training from his father and then in Paris, France from the renowned French Painters Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824 – 1904) and William Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 – 1905).

Before coming to New York City in the United States in 1883, Virgilio lived in San Francisco for twelve years; and while in New York painted murals in various hotels; becoming popular as genre and fresco painter.

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ሁሉንም አስተያየቶች ይመልከቱ

all the feminine beauty is absorbed into a single figure. a very amazing golden body language.