
Dark Warrior Of The Elpidian Empire by Xzendor7
Dark Warrior Of The Elpidian Empire by Xzendor7

Dark Warrior Of The Elpidian Empire

Dark Warrior Of The Elpidian Empire …And now we come to the Dark Warrior Sculpture. Very little is know of these mysterious and formidable warriors, since so much of the Elpidian Empire has been lost over the past 59 centuries; but legend has it, that they were one of the most feared of all the Sesquiants.

A typical Dark Warrior was said to have stood some ten feet high and weighed in at about 1200 pounds. Being bred exclusively for war through genetic manipulation, they were supposed to have an armored plated skin that could take a direct point blank hit from an Acronicon A138 5000 Mega-joule blast canon (That would like being hit with about a 1.2 ton explosive blast).

Though they appeared to be slow due to their massive size; that was but an illusion. Legend has it that they were capable of running at a top speed of 259 mph with some exceeding 300 mph for a period of about 3 小時.

They were able to handle extreme ocean depths down to two and a half miles for about an hour without any breathing apparatus, capable of swimming at an astounding pace of 115mph for two to three hundred miles; and were also said to be able to function in deep space for extended periods of time without any life sustaining gear.

Let me make this clear before the tour comes to and end; the Dark Warriors were not, I repeat, were not warriors of war and destruction. They were warriors that kept peace throughout the empire and engaged in battle only when aggressor threatened the well being of the empire.

Though many think these tales to be nothing but fiction, since none of this can be verified; the source of our present day knowledge of the Dark Warriors comes from the well known and respected Askarlus Dinitikan from Suandarous 3, 出生 500 years after the Elpidian Empire came to an abrupt end (as the empire seemingly vanished from the face of the galaxy overnight); and who was known throughout the galaxy not only for his great scientific achievements; but also for his amazing scholarly works and archaeological discoveries.

Many take what remains of his work as truth; since what remains of is literature is archived across the ten system planets; and statues throughout the galaxy numbering in the thousands honor him as the father of the second age…

A Little Of This Fractal Artwork:

The Dark Warrior Sculpture artwork is an offshoot of Daria The Cyborg QueenDarian Warrior fractal art cybernetic fractal art compositions as well as a combination of two other fractal art compositions The Realm Of Osphilium – processed through a kaleidoscope filter and Arsencia Goddess Of Fire, with additional fractals used to accent the alien portrait.

