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Empress Arzriani Art Nouveau Sci-fi Fractal Portrait
Empress Arzriani Art Nouveau Sci-fi Fractal Portrait Fractal Art Composition

Empress Arzriani Art Nouveau Sci-fi Fractal Portrait

Empress Arzriani is a fractal portrait done in the Art Nouveau Style with a SciFi theme at it’s heart; that gives the impression that it is a Stained Glass Artistic Creation.

To get the portrait to look as much as possible as an art nouveau artwork, I referenced many of the works of Czech Painter, Illustrator and Graphic Artist Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939); who is considered the prominent Art Nouveau artist of that period.

This art nouveau like creation is composed of 202 layers, 84 of which are fractals, 113 layers comprise mask and other color layer filters and 5 more are text layers.

This digital art creation, as with all the artwork that can be found on the Xzendor7 website is available for purchase online in a variety of material formats including canvas prints, акрылавыя прынты, металічныя прынты, драўняныя прынты, прынты ў рамках, плакаты, і як адбіткі рулоннага палатна у розных памерах ад 12 цаляў да 72 цаляў у залежнасці ад памеру сапраўднага твора мастацтва і крамы друку па патрабаванні, у якой вы вырашыце набыць мастацтва.


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