Jupiter in the Guise of Diana, and the Nymph Callisto by François Boucher
戴安娜偽裝嘅木星, 同弗朗索瓦·布歇嘅《仙女卡利斯托》

戴安娜偽裝嘅木星, 同仙女卡利斯托

戴安娜偽裝嘅木星, 同法國畫家嘅仙女木衛四c1759 弗朗索瓦·鲍徹 (1703 – 1770); 都被稱為繪圖員, 法國洛可可風格嘅雕刻師同裝飾師, 以佢嘅奢華神話而聞名, 寓言同色情圖案,係路易十五嘅宮廷畫家,都係蓬巴杜侯爵夫人嘅最愛.

This is a beautiful scene depicting the characters from Roman mythology Jupiter (The Eagle), Diana (Goddess of the Hunt), and Callisto the favorite Nymph of Diana.

In this forest scene we can see six figures, two cherubs in a tree with a large rose drape hanging from one of its outstretched limbs, near the eagle Jupiter looking down on what appears to be Diana and her Nymph Callisto, with one holding an arrow in his left hand; with another on the ground by the pond that Diana and her Nymph Callisto are laying near with an arrow in its left hand and a quiver filled with arrows by its right side.

Jupiter, the King of the Gods taken by the beauty of Callisto, disguises himself as the huntress Diana to seduce her; embracing her while they relax by the pond on a cushion of leaves, a blue garment and leopard skin.

By the couple is a boulder that has on it a brown bird resting on the chest of light colored bird that has had its throat cut, with blood staining the rock.

Behind the birds is a red quiver filled with arrows and a bow and another wrapped up grey colored garment, that rest just under the pink drape and the eagle Jupiter.

In the background is a colorful forest of many different hues and a light blue sky filled with many colored clouds, that seems to be illuminated by a setting sun.

戴安娜偽裝嘅木星, and the Nymph Callisto is a remastered digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that is available as a 畫布打印在線.

來自以下信息 Wikipedia.org

巴黎本地人, 鲍徹係一個鮮為人知嘅畫家尼古拉斯·鲍徹個仔, 邊個畀咗佢佢嘅第一次藝術訓練. 十七歲時, 鲍徹嘅一幅畫被畫家弗朗索瓦·莱莫因欣賞. 莱莫因後來任命鲍徹為徒弟, 但僅僅三個月後, 佢去為雕刻師讓-弗朗索瓦汽車公司工作.

係 1720, 佢贏得了罗马精英大獎賽繪畫, 但直到五年後才捉住喺意大利學習嘅機會, 由於雕塑同雕塑嘅財政問題。[1] 從意大利留學返嚟之後,佢畀命名嘅雕塑協會錄取番。 24 十一月 1731. 佢嘅莫尔索·德·雷塞翁 (接待件) 係佢嘅里纳尔多同阿米达 1734.

鲍徹嫁瑪麗-珍妮·布泽奥 1733. 這對夫婦有三個孩子在一起. 鮑徹成為教職員工 1734 佢嘅職業生涯由啲加速,因為佢被提升教授,然後學院院長, 成為皇家戈贝林斯工廠嘅檢查員,最後成為總理彭特雷杜罗伊 (國王嘅第一位畫家) 係 1765. 瑪麗-路易丝·奥#8217嘅肖像;梅菲c. 1752

鲍徹死於 30 五月 1770 喺佢嘅家鄉巴黎. 佢嘅名, 連同佢嘅贊助人德庞帕杜夫人, 已成為法國罗科科風格嘅代名詞, 帶領贡考特兄弟寫作: “鲍徹係代表一個世紀品味嘅人之一, 邊個表達, 人性化和體現它。”

鲍徹以講大自然係著名嘅 “特罗普·维特同马尔·克莱尔” (太綠,光線嚴重).

鲍徹與寶石雕刻師雅克·盖伊有聯繫, 佢教邊個畫畫. 佢仲指導埋摩拉維亞-奧地利畫家马丁·费迪南德·夸达尔以及新古典主義畫家雅克-路易斯·大卫 1767.[4] 後, 鲍徹製作咗一系列基尔嘅作品圖紙,然後由德庞帕杜尔夫人雕刻並派畀受人青睞嘅臣民

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