Madonna in Glory

Madonna in Glory c1665-75 by Italian Painter Carlo Dolci (1616 – 1686); was a painter of the Baroque period and was known for his highly finished religious artwork.

This is a Christian Art portrait of 卡洛·多爾奇的抹大拉的瑪麗亞 or the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus with the light of GOD upon her.

Dolci use of color, light and shadow creates a beautiful soft and endearing religious art piece; as she stands on the clouds and surrounded by more clouds with a warn orange glow behind her head accented by a circular array of stars; of which eight are visible to the viewer.

She is dressed simply with a dark kerchief over her head, a read under garment that cover over with a blue top dress and lastly a dark grey mesh scarf lays across her chest from shoulder to shoulder.

To complement this piece I created an elaborate yet beautiful embossed border with gold tones and added the title of the artwork Madonna in Glory at the bottom.

This is a retouched digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that can be purchased as a 帆布印刷在線.

Decorative Accents Used In This Piece Are Available At HeritageType

以下信息來自 維基百科

這幅抹大拉的馬利亞的肖像,她的臉被天堂之光照亮; 一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒 (1592 – 1664).

一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒; 一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒.

一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒, asd so he mainly painted small scale and half body length portraits; 一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒.

一位畫家的孫子,他的母親在很小的時候就跟隨意大利巴洛克風格的 Jacopo Vignali 學徒, 表現出他堅定的信念和信念. 表現出他堅定的信念和信念 (1635 – 1686), 表現出他堅定的信念和信念.

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