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Orb Of Light Fractal Art
Orb Of Light Fractal Art

All empires are ruled with symbols of power, very few though actually yield more than symbols but an actual objects of power is a rare thing and when one is believed to have been found those seeking power will do anything to obtain it.

In the pursuit of such power a small number of individuals to as much as multitude are the ones that suffer the misery of the resulting conflict.

In days of old, one such object was theOrb Of Light”; and as Arkelian legend has it, theOrb Of Lighthad the power to alter time and space; as both could be torn apart and reassembled to suit the needs of the bearer; and with such power the possessor of such an object could rule the universe.

But as with all such legends there are certain caveats which must be observed or the conqueror(s) Is/are himself/themselves conquered; which would explain why the Essitarian race vanished from the universe, from one day to the next without any explanation, as they stood on the threshold of galactic domination.

The Orb Of Light is a fractal art composition composed of 16 fractal elements.


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