Portrait Of The Illustrious Ursdiatana Vestencis AI Concept Art by Xzendor7
Portrait Of The Illustrious Ursdiatana Vestenycis AI Concept Art by Xzendor7

Portrait Of The Illustrious Ursdiatana Vestencis

Portrait Of The Illustrious Ursdiatana Vestencis AI Concept Art by Xzendor7; the elegant captivating Duchess of Everenton from the Noble House of Athenius. Artwork Created With Leonardo AI Join Now!

Ursdiatana lineage dates back some 850 years to the formation of the Kingdom of Hasreck; with the House of Athenius being instrumental in the establishment of the Kingdom and steadfast defending it since its inception.

In this portrait we see her stunning beauty depicted against a bright disc which represents the Ostephan jump portal; which is often confused bright star anomaly since it radiates so much light, though no radiation is emitted by it; as well as part of the gating mechanism that surrounds it.

She has her hair folded back, with part of it falling behind her right shoulder and the rest flowing the left side of her chest; with part of it being held in place by a jeweled light mesh net; and on top of that she wears an tymian cap.

She is also wearing platinum silver earrings, a black choker with silver accents along with a jeweled light mesh net jacket and fan necklace with a drop spear and a deep plunging neck evening dress with wide band gold accents along the edges.

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