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Schreierstoren by Willem Koekkoek
Schreierstoren af ​​Willem Koekkoek


Schreierstoren (Defensive Tower) by Dutch Painter Willem Koekkoek (1839 – 1895); who hailed from the Northern Netherlands who is known for his landscape paintings as was the rest of his family, and spent his time working in the Hague, Utrecht, Amsterdam and London.

Defensive Tower was built in the 15th century and was originally part of the medieval city wall of Amsterdam, det Netherlands and was the location from which Henry Hudson set sail on his journey to North America.

The structure was built in 1487, and is the remains of the Medieval defensive works which included the Waag (originally Sint Antoniespoort gate) and the bottom half of Munttoren tower (originally Regulierspoort gate), as well as the defensive tower and the watchtower Montelbaanstoren (Information from

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Willem was born in Amsterdam the Netherlands, to the painter Hermanus Koekkoek the Elder (1815 – 1882); and he had a brother Johannes Hermanus Barend Koekkoek (1840 – 1912) who was also a Dutch artist.

Willem worked in the Hague, Utrecht, Amsterdam, and in London; and is known for his landscapes as were the other members of his artistic family.

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