The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz by Adriaan de Lelie
Мастацкая галерэя Яна Гільдэместра Янша Адрыяна дэ Лелі

The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz c1794-95 by Dutch Painter Adriaan de Lelie (1755 – 1820); быў партрэтыстам і зрабіў шмат копій з твораў Рубенса, Van Dyck as well as historical pieces by Italian and Dutch masters.

This genre painting shows the gallery of the art collector and merchant Jan Gildemeester Jansz (1744 – 1799), who converted two large rooms in his home into an picture gallery; with Gildemeester standing in the middle of the front room wearing a grey coat and blue pants and vest, conversing with one of his guest who is wearing a red coat.

The room is decorated with paintings by Jacob de Wit, Rembrandt, Rubens and other masters and the guest in attendance include Pieter Fouquet, C.R.T. Krayenhoff, the painters Adriaan de Lelie (kneeling on the right in the foreground), Jurriaan Andriessen, місіс. Marianne Dull-Dohrman and Bernardus de Bosch Jeronimosz.

Гэта адрэтушаваная лічбавая мастацкая рэпрадукцыя старых майстроў выявы, якая знаходзіцца ў грамадскім здабытку.

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