The Dark Gothic Beauty Of Empress Stanaccia Velvius
The Dark Gothic Beauty Of Empress Stanaccia Velvius AI Concept Art by Xzendor7; the mistress of space and time and guardian of the Asivious Portal.
In all the galaxy there is only one that with power to control and provide access to the Asivious Portal; and she stands guard with all her peoples to make sure that no race can ever abuse the power of the space anomaly.
For as the mistress of space and time she can at a whim destroy all those that oppose that which was agreed upon millennia ago so that there would be peace in the galaxy; and to her and her people was entrusted the greatest power know to all.
This portrait tends to convey to all the power she wields as we see the beautiful and captivating Empress Stanaccia Velvius standing in front of the portal with machine elements accessing every part of the galaxy simultaneously, emanating a bluish light.
She is dressed in leather strap attire with a large white diamond on the center chest plate, that is overlaid with large wide straps, that connect to shoulders and sleeves of the garment, which are lined matte metal strapping
On her head he control is control ring that allows her to manipulate the portal with out the need of a massive control panel that would usually require over a hundred technicians to operate.
Her large beautiful dark eyes seem to pierce the void as she stares into the distance and her black hair and black lips have the allure of a Dark Gothic Beauty.
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