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The Fragrant Iris by Guillaume Seignac Classical Art Prints
The Fragrant Iris by Guillaume Seignac Classical Art Prints

The Fragrant Iris

The Fragrant Iris by French Painter Guillaume Seignac (1870 – 1924); an Academic Artist and student of French Painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 – 1905) who painted in the Neoclassicism and Realism Styles, with a focus on mythological themes.

This is a beautiful nude portrait of a young maiden in a forest, sitting on a large boulder by a pond that has tall plants rising from it with blooming purple Irises.

She is leaning over the edge of the boulder, with her long brown hair flowing by the flowers, while grasping an Iris with her right hand smelling it as she holds on to the upper ledge of the boulder with her left hand.

She has a long white robe that she is sitting on, and that covers part of her right upper thigh as her left leg cross over the shin of her right leg with the left ball of her foot placed on the ground.

To the side we can see the pond trailing off, and behind her we can see some large green trees, a light blue sky and more trees covered by a blue haze.

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