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Varga Girl 1946 Pin-up Art by Alberto Vargas
Varga Girl 1946 Pin-up Art by Alberto Vargas

Varga Girl 1946 Pin-up Art by Peruvian Artist Alberto Vargas (1896 – 1982); for his alluring and exquisite pin-up girl art and considered to be the most famous of the pin-up artist genre.

This is the base artwork for the Miss February Varga Girl 1946 Pin-up Calendar without the February Calendar dates, the little face characature in the dates, and without the verse of the month.

Oku kuphinda kuchotshelwe ubugcisa bedijithali obudala bokuphinda kuveliswe umfanekiso wesizinda sikawonkewonke.

Ulwazi Ngezantsi Ukusuka

Wazalelwa eArequipa, Peru, wayengunyana womfoti owaziwayo wasePeruvia uMax T. Vargas. UAlberto Vargas wafudukela eUnited States 1916 emva kokufunda ubugcisa eYurophu, Zurich, kunye neGeneva ngaphambi kweMfazwe Yehlabathi I.

Ngoxa wayeseYurophu wafumana iphephancwadi lesiFrentshi iLa Vie Parisienne, eneqweqwe nguRaphael Kirchner, athe waba nempembelelo enkulu kumsebenzi wakhe.

Umsebenzi wakhe wokuqala eNew York wawuquka umsebenzi njengegcisa leZiegfeld Follies kunye nezitudiyo ezininzi zaseHollywood. UZiegfeld waxhoma umzobo wakhe kaOlive Thomas kwindawo yemidlalo yeqonga, kwaye wayecingelwa njengomnye wamantombazana okuqala eVargas.

Vargas’ owona msebenzi udumileyo wefilimu wawuyipowusta ye 1933 ifilimu ethi Isono sikaNora Moran, ebonisa uZita Johann okufutshane-ze ekwimo yokuzilahlela. Ipowusta isoloko ibizwa ngokuba yenye yeepowusta ezinkulu zemuvi ezakha zenziwa.

He became widely noted in the 1940s as the creator of iconic World War-II era pin-ups for Esquire magazine known asVargas Girls.” Phakathi 1940 kwaye 1946 Vargas yaveliswa 180 imizobo yemagazini.

Ubugcisa bempumlo beenqwelomoya ezininzi zaseMelika kunye neMfazwe yesibini yeHlabathi yaphefumlelwa kwaye yatshintshwa ukusuka kwezi pin-ups ze-Esquire., kunye nezo zikaGeorge Petty, kunye namanye amagcisa.


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