Victor Gaskets Pin-up Girl by Bill Medcalf
Victor Gaskets Pin-up Girl by Bill Medcalf

Victor Gaskets Pin-up Girl

Victor Gaskets Pin-up Girl by American Painter Bill Medcalf (1920 – 2005); pin-up girl illustrator as well as a portrait and landscape painter who’s career spanned the late 1940s to the late 1960s.

Victor Gaskets Pin-up Girl is a portrait of a beautiful black haired young lady in a very short yellow dress with a light blue color that has the name Victor on her left lapel and yellow open toe and heel shoes.

The name Victor relates to the company Victor Gaskets and Oil Seals. She is sitting on a padded green bench with an inventory pad on her lap and a blue pen in her right hand as she records the number of different gaskets that are on the selves,

The index and second finger of her left hand is placed on an envelope that contains a gasket on the first shelf; with more gaskets of various sizes on the second shelf and engine gaskets on the floor, beneath the second shelf.

Questa hè una ripruduzzione di l'antichi maestri di l'arti digitale ritoccata di una maghjina di duminiu publicu.

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Though Bill did not have much formal training, he had a keen eye and a great since of style and form that would eventually make him one of the top pinup model artist of his generation.

Born in Minneapolis Minnesota in 1920, Bill hà ricevutu a so furmazione artistica da l'istituzioni educative in a zona vicinu à induve hà campatu.

À l'età di 20 hà sappiutu sbarcà un travagliu cù l'Uffiziu di l'Incisione di u Tesoru di i Stati Uniti, induv'ellu si firmò finu à 1942, quand'ellu hà decisu di entre in l'U.S. Marina; diventendu un cumpagnu di artiglieri.

Dopu à u so serviziu militare, Bill s'unì à u persunale di Brown & Bigelow in 1946 è in 1947 hà pruduciutu un'elegante illustrazione di una bella donna chì camminava u so cane in un duminiu per Kelly-Springfield Celebrity Tires.

Avia ancu creà illustrazioni publicitarii simili per altri clienti chì anu ancu pruvatu à esse un successu successu cù u publicu.

In 1949 Bill hà creatu u so primu Pin up per Brown & Bigelow è in 1951 hè statu chjamatu unu di i primi cinque artisti pin-up in a ditta.

Medcalf resta cun Brown & Bigelow finu à 1967 win pin up l'arte illustrativa hà cuminciatu à calà, per via di a cultura cambiante è a distribuzione di riviste maschili adulti.

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