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Taidushan Sai Spirit Of Power WD Fractal Art Portrait by Xzendor7
Taidushan Sai Spirit Of Power WD Fractal Art Portrait by Xzendor7

Taidushan Sai Spirit Of Power WD

Taidushan Sai Spirit Of Power WD is an extension to the previous piece Taidushan Sai Spirit Of Power which was composed of the following fractal art compositions Taidushan Sai Emerald Green, Thera The Ethereal Queen, Regnum Osphilii, Orthricon, and to which I added the following additional fractal compositions Esfantelinous, Wings Of Artillian, 89-123-A9p2 Arsairian 7 Reporting.

This results in a captivating image of a bust of a young woman wearing a wing like horned crown on her with layered scales of violet, gold, deep blue, light blue, aqua blue and green reaching toward the heavens.

The are additional fractal elements that form part of the crown creating a helmet look that contours to her face with similar color scheme; and that flow down about her neck and on to her shoulders.

From the back of her head there is a gold flowing structure that is part of a balloon structure that has a green orb mounted on it that is partially visible above, her head and accented with stone like structures and white clouds.

These clouds flow downward and transition from white to, rose, blue and purple around her back and the front of her chest, meeting up with a celestial floating blue orb that has lightning surrounding it

Below the orb are steps that have fused into them the title of the piece; with the steps being encapsulated on the sides by carved stone structures that are in stepped layers, that lead to a larger structure that is is obscured by large iridescent light blue and gold wings; that help in highlighting a violet and dark blue nebular behind the young lady.

On the front left and right sides of the structure ahead of the wings are two large sconces that cast light on the objects below and complementing the dynamic look of the fractal artwork.

Haec ars digitalis creationis, sicut cum omnibus ingenuarum quae in Xzendor7 website reperiri possunt, in online emptionis copia praesto est in variis materialibus formatorum instrumentis inclusis pariete clauorum., Donec clauorum, metallum clauorum, lignum clauorum, prints formatus, posters, et ut advolvit pariete clauorum per varias moles e * 12 pollices to 72 pollices fretus magnitudine artis ingenuarum et in ipsa officina print in demanda vis emere artem e.


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