The Angel of the Annunciation
The Angel of the Annunciation (Angelo Annunciante) c17th Century by Italian Painter Carlo Dolci (1616 – 1686); was a painter of the Baroque period and was known for his high finished religious artwork.

This portrait depicts the Archangel Gabriel with his wings as a child like figure of the Biblical story of the Annunciation, when Gabriel comes to the Mary and tells her that she will conceive a son through a virgin birth, and thus become the mother of Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah and son of GOD.
Gabriel is shown with his hands folded across his chest, with his head tilted downward wearing a white shirt, on top of which he is wearing a deep green overcoat with gold floral emblems patterns on it; and on top of that a blue cloak with gold trimming along the inner edge that has a clear jewel in the center surrounded with six pearls.
This is a retouched digital art old masters reproduction of a public domain image that is available for sale as a priontáil chanbhás ar líne.
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Rugadh Carlo i bhFlórans; garmhac péintéir ar thaobh a mháithreacha den teaghlach a bhí mar phrintíseach ag Bharócach na hIodáile Jacopo Vignali (1592 – 1664).
Murab ionann agus go leor péintéirí eile ní péintéir bisiúil a bhí i Carlo; go leor uaireanta ag cur seachtainí ag obair ar chuid amháin de chorp an duine.
D’fhág sé sin nach raibh sé oiriúnach do fresco ar mhórscála, asd so he mainly painted small scale and half body length portraits; although he did paint some full length portraits as well.
Since Dolci was a devoted Christian much of his work is religious in nature, demonstrating his strong belief and faith. He also had a daughter Agnese Dolci (1635 – 1686), who was an accomplished artist in her own right that helped produced copies of his works.