Xzendor7 Realm Of Digital Art
The Xzendor7 Realm Of Digital Art Fractal Art Composition started it off as a small intro piece to my xzendor7.com new site design; where I know have my fractal art, classical art ,vintage art and abstract art creations.
I then decided since its rustic quality was so eye catching to redo the piece in large scale and to make some slight changes for a more suitable print image.
The piece is composed of four of my previous fractal art compositions, which include A-Synchronous Ethereal Clouds, Beyond Space & Time, The Imperial View ISOCUT and the fractal portrait Trilia Red Nebula BW Color Black GS.
At the top of the image I added the highlighted text which I decided was a better look from the intro piece where I had the text at the bottom; and I also added a texture filter to the background to increase the roughness look of it.